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 About The Marketing Moose

Every year we hear a lot about the struggles of small hotels, B&B's, restaurants and campings with getting guests. 

We hear about owners panicking because they are not full during the summer. We read horror stories about these beautiful places closing just because they don't seem to get booked. 

Owners see their dreams fall to pieces.

However, when trying to find these places online, (on AirB&B,, TripAdvisor or social media) it takes ages. 

And if even we can find them, the booking process is slow, unclear or even the description and photo's are so bad that you just don't want to book them.

It's such a shame to see a dream go up in smoke just because it gets lost in the monstrosity that is the online game. 

I started the idea of the Marketing Moose, when I realized that I can help to prevent this. 

The Marketing Moose began as a blog idea in which I advise my readers on how to improve their online presence and make it all easier to understand. 

But I wondered, how often do you read a blog and think: "How do I apply this to my situation?" 

Too many times, because every situation is unique. Every person and their dreams are unique.

So that is why, The Marketing Moose is not only a blog, but a consultancy. A one person advisor that can help you understanding the online game and have guests find you easier. 

So, who am I?

I am Marielle, just turned forty, a cat and dog mom, wife to a cook and Dutch. 

I love to travel and meet new cultures and awesome people. I love festivals and photography even more! 

In March 2023 we packed up our stuff and moved to Sweden to start a whole new adventure.


In 2016 I started working as a freelance photographer, and social media content creator/manager for small businesses, foundations, music events and bands. Did some website maintenance and content creating for a successful B&B.

In the years since, I have learned a lot about social media, about what works and what not. I kept learning and watching for what is hip and trendy. It build my knowledge so that I can make the online game a bit easier to understand for those who have been struggling with this. 


Will you find my accounts be huge and on influencer level?

No, my passions are just not really fitting in the trends at this moment. 

The Marketing Moose is my brain child.

When researching moving to Sweden, I noticed that a lot of people had the same dream as me and my husband. Move to beautiful Sweden, start our own hospitality place and live a happy relaxed life. Sadly, many of these dreamers are seemingly struggling with making that dream a success. They struggle to get bookings outside of the six full summer holidays and after a while they just give up. 

To me, this struggle seem to come from three things,

- not understanding the current travel trends and customer requirements,

- not being able or lacking the knowledge to play the online promo game,

- Getting too lost in the dream to see the bigger picture.

With my knowledge of digital content creation, my traveling experiences and social media management, I think I could help these struggling businesses on their way to improvement. I think I can help you!

Contact opnemen

Bergåkra, Storgatan - 57777 - Järnforsen - Sverige

+46 763269972

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